Diamonds are symbol of love. Their strength represent and symbolizes the power of bond of love. But this is not only important for brides and grooms, it is passed from one generation to another as a blessing from the elders.

The history of rings is so old that when it was first wore as an ornament of fashion it alone shines at that time and all the remains were ashes and darkness.

Kings used it as a symbol of power or sometimes as a mark of slavery, love emphasizes its importance in the heart of someone and friendship place it into the memories.

The tradition of giving and receiving of rings is almost four thousand and eight hundred (4,800) years old. The use of ring for the purpose of wedding was dated back to 16th and 17th century when Henry Swinburne talked about it in his book marriage.

The finger of our hand known as ring finger has some little logic behind it to be known as ring finger. It is an old belief that the vein of this finger is directly connected to a heart.

Some popular brands of diamonds are Tiffany, Danhov, Leon Popov etc.

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